Thursday, September 29, 2016

Off To A Great Start

This year is off to a great start!  We have been spending a lot of time getting to know the Art Room and learning the procedures that come along with it.  We are just about to finish up out first project, I am looking so forward to sharing the results.  We have four different classes  in the art room this year, 7th Grade Art I, 8th Grade Art II, 7th/8th Ceramics and 8th Grade Advanced Ceramics.  I have so many talented artists I am really looking forward to working with.  Stayed tuned for our work!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Kindergarten: Self - Portraits

Our Kindergarteners were hard at work creating pictures of themselves.  We started with a guided drawing, using a large U shape for our faces, and adding a neck and shoulders then went off of the page.  Students then added in the details of the face, one by one.  We began painting our drawings with tempera paint.  First the background and shirt.  Then each student mixed their own variety tan, white and brown to achieve a skin tone that was specific to them and their painting.  Next, we painted the hair.  After all our paint had dried, students outlined their faces and features with black pastels to make them pop, then we used chalk pastels to add details to our faces and shirt.

Grade 4: Big Cat Drawings

Our fourth graders broke into groups and read books on Big cats, learning facts about how the different cats, act, hunt and survive.  After gathering all their information, students choose a cat they would like to draw from a variety of pictures of tigers, lions and cheetahs.  They started their drawing with a light sketch of the large shapes that made up their cats, they then added in some detail.  Once their drawing was complete they started to outline the drawings using marker.  Fourth grade then used chalk pastels to create realistic colors and backgrounds.  To finish things up, students went in and pulled out their black areas  with an oil pastel, the results were beatuiful!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Visiting Artist : Zack Paul

We had the opportunity to work with the Santa Barbara Muesum of Contemporary Art this year.  They brought us a recent Artist by the name is Zack Paul.  He spoke to the students about some of his Art work then he guided them in creating their own version. At the end of class we put all our creations together into one large Wall Installation!

Grade 6: Monochromatic Value Paintings (Autorretratos monocromáticos)

Our Monochromatic Value paintings began with a study of one color.  We added white to our color to get tints, and black to our color to get shades.  Students varied these colors so that they would range in value on a scale from 1 to 9.  Color # 1 was the lightest color and, # 9 was the darkest color (See Ice-Cream Value Paintings).  Students mixed the paint into cups, and labeled their cups from 1-9.  Next, the students were given a picture of themselves that had been enhanced in Adobe Photoshop to better show the light and dark values.  They began circling the different values in their faces.  Labeling the lightest areas with a # 1, the next lightest area with a #2 and so on, until they reached their darkest area with a # 9.  Lastly, we transferred their faces using transfer paper, and began painting.  We painted the values labeled with a # 1 with our paint that we had mixed earlier in the year that was also labeled with a number one, then we moved to #2-9.

Nuestras pinturas de valor monocromático comenzaron con un estudio de color.  Añadimos blanco a nuestro color para obtener tinte, y negro a nuestro color para obtener sombras.  Los estudiantes variaron estos colores para poder hacer escalas de valores del 1 al 9.  Donde el color #1 era el más claro y el color #9 era el más oscuro (vea: Pinturas “Pinturas de valor El Helado”).  Los estudiantes mesclaron las pinturas en vasos y los etiquetaron del 1 al 9.  Después, se les dio una foto de ellos mismos que había sido arreglada con Photoshop para que pudieran apreciar los valores de la luz y la sombra.  Comenzaron entonces a circular los diferentes valores en sus rostros, etiquetando con uno las áreas más claras, la siguiente más clara después de la primera con el dos y así hasta llegar al número nueve. Finalmente, transferimos sus caras usando papel para transferir y comenzamos a pintar.  Pintamos los valores etiquetados con uno, con nuestra pintura que habíamos mesclado anteriormente en el año y que también estaba etiquetada con el número uno y de ahí fuimos al dos y tres hasta el nueve.

Cleveland School First Annual iCAN Art Show!

We had our first annual Art Show here at Cleveland Elementary School this past Friday and it was a wonderful turn out! Thank you to everyone who helped and attended, and a BIG thank you to the Incredible Children's Art Network!!!